Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No Kidding- Seriously Add Yourself to Your Listings

Happy April Fool's Day. I know, not everyone celebrates it. So that's my public service for today. I'm reminding you to be on your toes.

And I thought I'd mention another selling tip.... adding a little of your personality to your listings.

I can only tell you what works for me, and what I like. But I love knowing a little bit about the person selling the item, especially if the item seems to have a little of the person in it.

Sounds more complicated than it is. Someone selling a tile pendant with a small square of wrapping paper decoupaged onto it is different than that same tile pendant with a small square of someone's original photography. The latter tells me a little of who that person/artist is. (and I do enjoy both items, but I'm trying to illustrate what I'm saying).

You can do this by mentioning that a certain component is a favorite color or shape, or your inspiration for that piece. It doesn't need to be private matters, or too much.

Perhaps you choose to include a photo of yourself at work in your studio, so they can imagine you making their piece that they want to buy.

And sometimes you're just a goofball and have "photobooth" on your Apple computer that takes pictures of you at your desk, but can add a funny background, or you just happen to have the fake mustache and eyeglasses set. (Aw come on, don't you keep one around? I can't be the only one.)

So maybe you nix the silly photos, because you create more serious art. But do consider including small "pieces" of you, so your customers feel like they know you. I have made wonderful connections and even some of my customers have turned into good friends. No fooling.


  1. Very cool (& becoming) photo's Marcy!
    Oh... do I detect a hint of hand lotion there ;o)

    I managed to survive April 1st here - without be subjected to any major pranks.

    Good advice about what to include in online listings.

  2. Marcy, as always, great ideas to help with listings! I think you're right. I was told that it might be best to keep my listings short and, imo, dry. I actually like things done the way I used to do them. I'm going back to my old way. Thanks for the tip.

  3. LOVE Photo Booth! Great tips as always.

    Hope you weren't too much of a fool today!


Hey, thanks for commenting. Visit my etsy shop, seller name: StudioMarcy