Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Safety Reminders

As a glass artist and teacher working in a home studio, it's important to remember to keep yourself safe while working.

I found photos on the internet of eye protection, a fire extinguisher and an interesting ventilation system.

As much as I appreciate innovation and creativity, I'm not suggesting these as possible options, only sources of amusement.

So do me a favor, polish up those didymiums, double check that your fire extinguisher is charged, turn on your vent system and stay safe.

See you tomorrow for a little fun and glass chat

1 comment:

  1. Our fire extinguishers need charging? I admit I am slack when it comes to that. When I moved my studio inside the house, I bought my first fire extinguisher. I think I know where it is, but it may take me a few minutes to stumble through attempts to use it. :|


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