Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blacksmith Classes

I shot this quick photo when I was touring the facilities at the Appalachian Center for Craft. It's just a small station in the blacksmith area, but I thought it told a story.

I think about how often, in art and craft, we are always looking for the latest and greatest new tools and modern ideas. I know I am always being tempted, even if I don't buy them. But looking at this small area, made me stop and ponder- you need muscles and strength and a strong tolerance for really high heat in blacksmithing. And I'm guessing a bit of a respect for "old school" ways too. I think that's cool. (or should I say "hot"?) So I wanted to give a nod to this craft form. They turned out some really nice knives and other items the week I was there.

So hats off to those who want to keep it real and simple. (and a big hooray for the air conditioning in the glass studio where I was!)

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