Thursday, July 7, 2011

Display at The Mansion

These kind of look either like some weird kinds of jelly fish floating to me.  But of course, they're just some beautifully made, ladies' hats.

Upon my friend, Sylvie Lansdowne's suggestion, I stopped by The Mansion in Savannah to check out their art displays, during our recent visit.  They had quite a few antique cabinets filled with gorgeous hand crafted hats of the same vintage.

Looking at them, I wonder about the almost lost art of making them and  whether the recent Royal wedding revived the interest a bit?  I can't help but admire the artistic artisan aspect to them.  I would love to learn more about how the flowers are made, and what could be done with hand dyed ribbons as much as how to shape a hat.  I guess making cool objects will always be an interest of mine.

There is a local Atlanta shop, Nicholas Kniel, who has hat making classes.  The last time I visited, (he has a wonderful selection of feathers too), there were 3 women making hats at his back table, because they were attending the Kentucky Derby.

So what do you think?  Should there be a movement to revive this craft?  Would you want to learn how to make them?  Would you want to own one?

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to learn how to make hats. When I was growing up, hats were BIG! I'd love to see a come back!


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