Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things Crafty April Challenge

So many of us enjoy craft.  We have different styles, techniques and mediums, but there's something about "making creative, fun stuff" that always is interesting.

I've recently joined "Things Crafty" website.  The two brains behind it, Ilysa and Kira really do a great job of running it.  And I found that we have a monthly challenge, with prizes! (Yay!)

So come on over and check it out.  This month's contest involves April Flowers.  Who doesn't love a fun flower?  Anyhow, you can draw, knit, build, craft, (make a glass flower) or something to do with a flower, surrounded by flowers, etc.  There are even 4 prizes.  So pop by.  You know you want to enjoy the fun!  See you there.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. I checked out the site, and it looks promising.


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