Monday, October 29, 2012

Love The Close Ups!

Macro photography has always held my interest.  Patterns, details and perhaps seeing things I wouldn't see otherwise, fascinate me.  This holds true for David Littschwager's photo, "The Pigment of a Blue Button Jellyfish Blocks Ultraviolet Rays".  Long title and cool photo.  It makes me want to check out more of his photography and I could see buying this one for my studio.

I found it here, on  I love using this website as a resource.  And there is so much more on it too.    Sometimes it's looking at percentages of colors that combine together, sometimes it's actual art, and other times, just thinking about how pretty everything is.

See you tomorrow.  For another post about life, art, craft or something interesting that has caught my eye.  Bye!

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful! When trying to figure out what it was, jellyfish didn't cross my mind - they make amazing subjects. Thanks for sharing macro and website!


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